2.4. 函数

2.4.1. 可接受任意数量参数的函数



In [6]: def f(*args,**kw):
...:     print(args)
...:     print('-'*10)
...:     print(kw)

In [7]: f(1,2)
(1, 2)

In [8]: f(1,2,3)
(1, 2, 3)

In [9]: f(a=1,b=2,c=3)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

In [10]: f(1,2,3,d=4)
(1, 2, 3)
{'d': 4}

2.4.2. 只接受关键字参数的函数

In [1]: def recv(maxsize, *, block):
...:     'Receives a message'
...:     pass

In [2]: recv(1024,True)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 1
----> 1 recv(1024,True)

TypeError: recv() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

In [3]: recv(1024,block=True)

2.4.3. 给函数参数增加元信息

def add(x:int, y:int) -> int:
    return x + y

2.4.4. 返回多个值的函数


def myfun():
    return 1,2,3

2.4.5. 定义有默认参数的函数


def spam(a, b=42):
    print(a, b)

def addlist(val,l):
    if l is None:
        l = []

_no_value = object()

def spam(a, b=_no_value):
    if b is _no_value:
        print('No b value supplied')

2.4.6. 定义匿名或内联函数

In [4]: add = lambda x, y: x + y

In [5]: add(2,3)
Out[5]: 5

2.4.7. 匿名函数捕获变量值

In [6]: x=10

In [7]: a = lambda y: x + y

In [8]: x = 20

In [9]: b = lambda y: x + y

In [10]:  a(10)
Out[10]: 30

In [11]: b(10)
Out[11]: 30

lambda表达式中的x是一个自由变量, 在运行时绑定值,而不是定义时就绑定,这跟函数的默认值参数定义是不同的。


In [12]: x = 10

In [13]:  a = lambda y, x=x: x + y

In [14]: x = 20

In [15]: b = lambda y, x=x: x + y

In [16]: a(10)
Out[16]: 20

In [17]: b(10)
Out[17]: 30

2.4.8. 减少可调用对象的参数个数

如果需要减少某个函数的参数个数,你可以使用 functools.partial()

In [18]: def spam(a, b, c, d):
    ...:     print(a, b, c, d)

In [19]:  from functools import partial

In [20]: s1 = partial(spam, 1) # a = 1

In [21]: s1(1,2,3)
1 1 2 3

In [22]: s3 = partial(spam, 1, 2, d=42) # a = 1, b = 2, d = 42

In [24]: s3(1)
1 2 1 42

2.4.9. 将单方法的类转换为函数


from urllib.request import urlopen

class UrlTemplate:
    def __init__(self, template):
        self.template = template

    def open(self, **kwargs):
        return urlopen(self.template.format_map(kwargs))

# Example use. Download stock data from yahoo
yahoo = UrlTemplate('http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s={names}&f={fields}')
for line in yahoo.open(names='IBM,AAPL,FB', fields='sl1c1v'):

def urltemplate(template):
    def opener(**kwargs):
        return urlopen(template.format_map(kwargs))
    return opener

yahoo = urltemplate('http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s={names}&f={fields}')
for line in yahoo(names='IBM,AAPL,FB', fields='sl1c1v'):

2.4.10. 带额外状态信息的回调函数


def apply_async(func, args, *, callback):
    # Compute the result
    result = func(*args)

    # Invoke the callback with the result

def add(x,y):
    return x+y 

def print_result(result):
    print("got result: {}".format(result))


class ResultHandler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.sequence = 0

    def handler(self, result):
        self.sequence += 1
        print('[{}] Got: {}'.format(self.sequence, result))

r = ResultHandler()

def make_handler():
    sequence =0 
    while True:
        result = yield 
        sequence +=1 
        print('[{}] Got: {}'.format(sequence, result))

handler = make_handler()
apply_async(add, (2, 3), callback=handler.send)
apply_async(add, (2, 3), callback=handler.send)

2.4.11. 内联回调函数


2.4.12. 访问闭包中定义的变量

nonlocal 声明可以让我们编写函数来修改内部变量的值。 其次,函数属性允许我们用一种很简单的方式将访问方法绑定到闭包函数上。

def apply_async(func, args, *, callback):
    # Compute the result
    result = func(*args)

    # Invoke the callback with the result

def add(x,y):
    return x+y 

def print_result(result):
    print("got result: {}".format(result))


class ResultHandler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.sequence = 0

    def handler(self, result):
        self.sequence += 1
        print('[{}] Got: {}'.format(self.sequence, result))

r = ResultHandler()

def make_handler():
    sequence =0 
    while True:
        result = yield 
        sequence +=1 
        print('[{}] Got: {}'.format(sequence, result))

handler = make_handler()
apply_async(add, (2, 3), callback=handler.send)
apply_async(add, (2, 3), callback=handler.send)